Business cards


Customize your business card design for free on Canva here:

Save as a .PDF file for best results.

Or use our custom business card designer!

Business cards are shipped next business day and ship Fedex Next Day shipping. Rush order processing is available for same day processing (Ordered before 1PM CST) for next day delivery. Rush order option available when selecting shipping services.

Be sure to leave a 1/8th inch bleed area, keeping important information within the design area.

Printed on 16pt Gloss Coated Paper.

If you need more than the quantities listed, please reach out via our contact us page or on social media.

  • Max file size: 150 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png bmp tiff tif webp heic csv tsv pdf xlsx svg eps ai psd xd ps xls

  • Max file size: 150 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe gif png bmp tiff tif webp heic csv tsv pdf xlsx svg eps ai psd xd ps xls

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Some fields in this group failed validation.

Reviews/Ask a Question

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Apex Engineered and Apex Powder Coatings
Awesome guys to work with!

We have ordered nearly 10,000 Cards from Stick and Peel and always perfect! Thank you again, guys!!

Melyssa Munday
Great Quality

I realized I needed some business cards an upcoming event. I love our stickers from Stick N Peel so I decided to give the business cards a try. I love how they came out. The quality is so good and they are much thicker and sturdier than I expected. Will definitely be ordering again when I run out.

Nicolas Aguirre
Customer service

A+ customer service really appreciate it

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